EVER READY! The Austrian Armed Forces at Home and Abroad
The book: “The interesting documentation at hand is simultaneously a reference work and a performance record and strikingly shows where and how Austrian soldiers are deployed in their domestic and foreign missions or contribute technical-humanitarian aid in crisis situations. All this demands the highest degree of commitment and professionalism, and I would like to use this publication as an opportunity to express my thanks and my recognition to all soldiers.” (Dr. Heinz Fischer, Federal President of the Republic of Austria)
The author: Prof. Mag. Rolf M. Urrisk-Obertynski, born 1947, Brigadier General in retirement. Graduate of the Theresian Military Academy (class of 1972 Payer-Weyprecht). Afterwards company commander in Vienna and Lienz. Diploma program “National Defence – Higher Leadership” as well as “Political and Communication Studies”; Magister of Philosophy. – G3 at the Military Command of Vienna and the Tyrol. Director of the Training Department in the Federal Ministry of Defence. Project director of “50 Years of the Armed Forces”. Part-time freelance journalist and nonfiction author in the areas of military ethics, Austrian military history and security policy; for this conferred the job title of Professor. President of the “Society for the Promotion of the Maintenance of Tradition in the Austrian Armed Forces” and the “Military Sports Association for Model Building”. The author is best known to the readers of Weishaupt Publishing through the 12 as-yet published volumes on the Austrian armed forces of the First and Second Republics, as well as on the Imperial Guards at the Viennese court and the 2000-year history of the garrison city of Vienna.
Dedication of the author:
Dedicated to my comrades,
who always have and always will give a good account
of themselves, even in the most impossible situations,
often with the inadequate resources,
but always with idealism and improvisational talent.
True to the once sworn oath
„Loyal to the death!“
Rolf M. Urrisk-Obertyński
Dieses Buch ist 2011 als Exklusivausgabe im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Landesverteidigung und Sport anlässlich des 55jährigen Jubiläums des Österreichischen Bundesheeres erschienen.
Es handelt sich dabei um eine aktualisierte Version der Bände 10 und 12 der Dokumentation über das Österreichische Bundesheer der Ersten – und der Zweiten Republik.
Das Buch ist nicht im Handel erhältlich. Von diesem Buch ist 2010 auch eine deutsche Version erschienen: „STETS BEREIT – Das Österreichische Bundesheer im In- und Ausland„.
Widmung des Autors:

Ever Ready! The Austrian Armed Forces at Home and Abroad“ is now also available in English. The author yet again wants to shine a light on the great performance of the Austrian active and militia soldiers during domestic and international operations.TRUPPENDIENST 1/2012
The author, who is already wellknown from his documentation on the history of the Austrian Armed Forces during the First and Second Republic, meticulously portrays all operations of the past 55 years at home and abroad. First, the historical and/or political reasons that triggered the conflict are outlined. They are followed by a list of international as well as national reactions, and finally by an account of Austrian Armed Forces operations in all their facets. In the form of set-off boxes the reader can get an overview of the „facts and figures“. Thus, the book constitutes an important reference work regarding various data such as legal principles, the exact duration of a certain operation or the structure of the Austrian Forces.
On the one side there are the millions of victims of avalanches, floods, earthquakes or tsunamis, the war victims, either wounded or almost famished, as well as the refugees and displaced persons.
On the other hand there are the guarders and helpers in uniforms - the soldiers of the Austrian Armed Forces - who give proof of their creativity, professionalism and high motivation as guarders and helpers in uniforms. All this is accompanied in the book by pictures and descriptions oft the at the time newly deployed equipment.
The author has used the new edition in English to bring the content up to date. The latest operations in Pakistan, Albania, Egypt or Libya are already included.
This book is not only meant to address the English-speaking public; it is also intended to be an informative and distinguished present for the hosts or the Austrian Armed Forces in the frame of their international cooperations and world-wide engagement.
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